Justice Fighter Sakura

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Letter to the boy who wrote the CCS petition:
Hi, I have read your cardcaptor petition,If you don't mind,I emailed nearly all the cardcaptor sakura and cardcaptor websites I could find.I was wondering how long it has been ever since you wrote the petition,and will it really work if you get 5,000 people to sign?Please respond to my message.I read on the petition that your name is Rion.I hope I'm correct..I'm 12 years old and I live in TX.How old are you?And what state are you in?I'm not stalker or anything,I'm just curious.Cheerio!
Rion e-mailed me back letter:
Rion isn't my real name, but it's one of many I go by online. I live in
I made the petition some time in mid-march (or was it February?). 5,000
people is my goal for the petition, but there's no guarantee it'll "work"
even if I get 50,000.
The point is to get enough signatures to show WB that it has viewers that
care what happens to the show and that CC is shown at a bad time. This is a
very good point brought up in the petition of why the ratings are so low --
children don't get home from school until around 3:30 or 4 in the afternoon.
Putting CC on earlier was rather foolish of WB if you ask me (but then
again, who did?).
Enough signatures are to convince WB that Cardcaptors *was* successful and
had fans (watched by over 1 million Americans weekly) and that the audience
should have a say in what they watch.

Hope I answered your questions.


PS If you haven't signed already, please do so, and if you get the
oppurtunity ask people to stop putting "I Love ___" as the name. It's a
petition -- it's not SUPPOSED to be a lively conversation/debate/etc.

Reply back to Rion:
Thanks for responding.But I know Kidwb will show CC again, hopefully.If the petition doesn't work,(which it probley wont)we can always try and flood Kidswb's e-mail system,to get their attention.We may not have enough power to make them show CC again,but we do have power to get them to realize there are fans that really love CC and CCS.And I'm going to do what ever I can, to get nelvana to redew the whole thing and just get the Japenese episodes to replace their voices in english.I bet it would save them alot of money instead of cutting the whole thing up.I am going to email all of my internet friends and tell them to take a stand.I hope you will to.Bye.
-Justice fighter Sakura

I feel as if I really am saving cardcaptors.If only Kidswb would show it again.We can always email them and tell them to show it at a time to where kids can accually watch it.Maybe they will show it again.I remember the very first time I saw it.If it wasn't for my older cousin, I would've never even bothered!I also would've saved alot of money.Speaking of money, I am waiting for CCS issue #28 to come out.Eriol just came in, Sakura got the star wand, and Ms.Mitsuki is gone for good.I think.
I just watched the episode,Sakura and the elephants test of strength,with the power card, in japeneses engilsh subtitle.I'm going to watch the other three episodes with my cousin.I haven't seen them at all.But I can't wait till next week!
-JFS 5/18/02

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