Here are some links to some Cardcaptor Sakura websites.
Thank you for all those that have supported me!

You must ask me first if you be wanting this picture. It's a great pic right?
Eh. Go ahead, take it. I honestly don't care.
Searching Stuff
My site is about saving cardcaptors and getting the show back! We will get Sakura, and everyone else... I also have a Hamtaro page, it has lots! of stuff pictures and everything!
Ham-ham Kingdom (My other, better site.)
Go here.
The links with the labels,JFS, on the bottom of the page, are mine.So if your gonna make a link for me, use one of those.I would be really happy if someone will do that,^_-
Sakura Star
Anime Dreams
Has alot of good pictures!
Kawaii Sakura Shrine
CC Dreams
Dream Water
CC Petition
Are you Bored???
Fun stuff to do.
Cherry Blossoms Festival